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New Chaotic Reality: Creative Writing Workshops for Long COVID Patients
Journal of Medical Humanities ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10912-024-09891-9
Ed Garland 1

In a widely cited 2017 study, Robinson et al. (2017) found that ‘emotionally expressive’ writing makes physical wounds heal faster when compared to writing that did not engage the emotions. The Writing Long COVID project at Aberystwyth University engaged similar territory in a recent pilot study. Participants’ writing activities explored how literary production can affect a person’s experience of this new chronic condition, as well as contribute to our understanding of its symptoms. In this short essay, I show how we designed a course of short-duration online workshops that increased accessibility for people with Long COVID-related fatigue. I also argue that future Long COVID creative activities should let their timing, venue, content, and structure be influenced by the preferences of the Long COVID patient. The preliminary study suggests that the traditional parameters of the writing workshop, including its duration, could deter participation in potentially beneficial creative activities.



在 2017 年一项被广泛引用的研究中,Robinson 等人。 (2017)发现,与不涉及情感的写作相比,“情感表达”写作可以使身体伤口愈合得更快。阿伯里斯特威斯大学的“Writing Long COVID”项目在最近的一项试点研究中也涉及到类似的领域。参与者的写作活动探讨了文学创作如何影响一个人对这种新慢性病的体验,并有助于我们理解其症状。在这篇短文中,我将展示我们如何设计一个短期在线研讨会课程,以提高因新冠肺炎导致长期疲劳的人的可及性。我还认为,未来的长新冠创意活动应该让其时间、地点、内容和结构受到长新冠患者偏好的影响。初步研究表明,写作研讨会的传统参数,包括其持续时间,可能会阻碍人们参与潜在有益的创意活动。
