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Stepanov-like weighted pseudo S-asymptotically Bloch type periodicity and applications to stochastic evolution equations with fractional Brownian motions
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s13540-024-00333-w
Amadou Diop , Mamadou Moustapha Mbaye , Yong-Kui Chang , Gaston Mandata N’Guérékata

In this paper, we introduce the concept of Stepanov-like (weighted) pseudo S-asymptotically Bloch type periodic processes in the square mean sense, and establish some basic results on the function space of such processes like completeness, convolution and composition theorems. Under the situation that the functions forcing are Stepanov-like (weighted) pseudo S-asymptotically Bloch type periodic and verify some suitable assumptions, we establish the existence and uniqueness of square-mean (weighted) pseudo S-asymptotically Bloch type periodic mild solutions of some fractional stochastic integrodifferential equations (driven by fractional Brownian motion). Finally, the most important findings are substantiated with the assistance of an illustration.



