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The scale, forms and distribution of volunteering amongst refugee youth populations in Uganda
Population, Space and Place ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-06 , DOI: 10.1002/psp.2817
Bianca Fadel 1 , Matt Baillie Smith 1 , Sarah Mills 2 , Daniel Rogerson 3 , Aarti Sahasranaman , Moses Okech 4 , Robert Turyamureeba 5 , Cuthbert Tukundane 4 , Frank Ahimbisibwe 5 , Owen Boyle , Peter Kanyandago 4

Geographies of volunteering have examined the relationships between people, places and forms of voluntary action, but there has been limited geographical scholarship on the scales, forms and distribution of volunteering amongst specific populations in different settings, particularly in the global South. While in the global North there are some established quantitative data sets, often produced by humanitarian and development organisations, these are largely absent in the South. Where they do exist, they often reflect Western‐centric ideas and concepts, meaning that volunteering behaviours that do not fit Western norms—such as amongst young refugees in the global South—can be excluded, or captured in ways that are partial or unrepresentative. This paper provides an important challenge to existing geographies of volunteering, expanding them through an account of volunteering amongst young refugees in Uganda, and how it articulates with social inequalities within and between the spaces and places where young refugees live. We analyse quantitative data from 3053 young refugees surveyed on their volunteering experiences in rural and urban settings in Uganda. The data provides new evidence of who these volunteers are, beyond their refugee status, why, where and how they conduct their activities, and reveals how these are connected to livelihoods and community development. Through this survey analysis, the paper argues for the need to establish grounded conceptualisations of volunteering that consider the scales, distribution, and various forms of volunteering within specific groups. In doing so, the paper offers a new framework for better understanding the relationships between volunteering and refugee lives through four interlocking factors: place, (im)mobility, income and gender. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of these findings for wider geographies of volunteering and research on refugee youth and displaced populations.



志愿服务的地理学研究了人、地点和志愿行动形式之间的关系,但关于不同环境下特定人群志愿服务的规模、形式和分布的地理学学术有限,特别是在南半球国家。虽然在北方国家有一些既定的定量数据集,通常由人道主义和发展组织制作,但在南方国家基本上不存在。在它们确实存在的地方,它们通常反映了以西方为中心的思想和观念,这意味着不符合西方规范的志愿服务行为(例如南半球的年轻难民)可以被排除在外,或者以片面或不具代表性的方式捕获。本文对现有的志愿服务地域提出了重要的挑战,通过对乌干达年轻难民志愿服务的描述以及它如何与年轻难民居住的空间和地点内部和之间的社会不平等进行阐述来扩大志愿服务的范围。我们分析了对 3053 名年轻难民进行调查的定量数据,了解他们在乌干达农村和城市环境中的志愿服务经历。这些数据提供了新的证据,表明这些志愿者是谁,除了他们的难民身份外,他们为什么、在哪里以及如何开展活动,并揭示了这些活动如何与生计和社区发展联系起来。通过这项调查分析,本文认为有必要建立有根据的志愿服务概念,考虑特定群体内志愿服务的规模、分布和各种形式。 在此过程中,本文提供了一个新的框架,通过四个相互关联的因素:地点、流动性、收入和性别,更好地理解志愿服务和难民生活之间的关系。本文最后讨论了这些发现对更广泛的志愿服务和难民青年和流离失所人口研究的影响。