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Optimized spatial tool for the implementation of ground source heat pump coupled with photovoltaic panels heating systems in urban areas
Energy and Buildings ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2024.114752
Adela Ramos-Escudero , Teresa Magraner , Isabel C. Gil-García

The growth of the urban population intensifies climate change due to the increase in activities that emit greenhouse gases, such as heating. However, proper urban planning and effective environmental policies can mitigate these impacts and foster a sustainable future. This study proposes an optimized spatial tool to implement renewable coupled heating systems in urban areas, combining geothermal heat pump technology with electricity generation through photovoltaic panels. The tool performs an exhaustive geospatial analysis that considers technical, economic, and socio-environmental criteria, offering multiple alternatives prioritized through multi-criteria evaluation methods. This facilitates the design of various scenarios according to the investment in renewable coupled systems for heating in buildings, in line with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 7, 11, and 13. The tool is evaluated in the city of Madrid, specifically in the neighborhood of Ciudad Lineal, generating a total of 2733 alternatives. Four scenarios are designed based on the annual subsidies provided by the Spanish Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) for heating and cooling using renewable energy sources. The first scenario, which includes 599 alternatives, manages to avoid emissions of 5 MtCO/year and primary energy savings of 278.9 GWh/year.



由于采暖等排放温室气体的活动增加,城市人口的增长加剧了气候变化。然而,适当的城市规划和有效的环境政策可以减轻这些影响并促进可持续的未来。本研究提出了一种优化的空间工具,用于在城市地区实施可再生耦合供暖系统,将地热热泵技术与光伏板发电相结合。该工具执行详尽的地理空间分析,考虑技术、经济和社会环境标准,通过多标准评估方法提供多种优先考虑的替代方案。这有助于根据可持续发展目标 (SDG) 7、11 和 13,根据建筑物供暖可再生耦合系统的投资来设计各种方案。该工具在马德里市,特别是在附近地区进行了评估Ciudad Lineal,总共产生了 2733 个替代方案。根据西班牙能源多样化和节能研究所(IDAE)为使用可再生能源供暖和制冷提供的年度补贴,设计了四种情景。第一种情景包括 599 种替代方案,每年可避免 5 MtCO 排放,并可节省一次能源 278.9 GWh/年。