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Compositional synthesis for linear systems via convex optimization of assume-guarantee contracts
Automatica ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2024.111816
Kasra Ghasemi , Sadra Sadraddini , Calin Belta

We take a divide and conquer approach to design controllers for reachability problems given large-scale linear systems with polyhedral constraints on states, controls, and disturbances. Such systems are made of small subsystems with coupled dynamics. We treat the couplings as additional disturbances and use assume-guarantee (AG) contracts to characterize these disturbance sets. For each subsystem, we design and implement a robust controller locally, subject to its own constraints and contracts. The main contribution of this paper is a method to derive the contracts via a novel parameterization and a corresponding potential function that characterizes the distance to the correct composition of controllers and contracts, where all contracts are held. We show that the potential function is convex in the contract parameters. This enables the subsystems to negotiate the contracts with the gradient information from the dual of their local synthesis optimization problems in a distributed way, facilitating compositional control synthesis that scales to large systems. We present numerical examples, including a scalability study on a system with tens of thousands of dimensions, and a simple case study on applying our method to a distributed Model Predictive Control (MPC) problem in a power system.


