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The Febrile Infant: Updates in Evaluation and Management.
Pediatric Annals ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-01 , DOI: 10.3928/19382359-20240703-04
Jeremy Perlman

New American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines were published in 2021 for the evaluation and management of well-appearing febrile infants from age 8 to 60 days. This first guideline of its kind from the AAP brings together increasing evidence from the last 20 years and replaces the varied protocols previously used (eg, Rochester, Philadelphia, Boston). The guideline also incorporates lessons from newer studies, such as the work of the Febrile Infant Working Group of the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network. This article will explain the motivation for the guideline, summarize its recommendations, and fill in some details about how to evaluate and manage infants that fall out of the guideline's scope of the well-appearing febrile infant age 8 to 60 days (ill-appearing infants and early-onset infections in newborns younger than age 8 days). [Pediatr Ann. 2024;53(9):e314-e319.].



美国儿科学会 (AAP) 于 2021 年发布了新指南,用于评估和管理 8 至 60 天表现良好的发热婴儿。 AAP 的此类首个指南汇集了过去 20 年中越来越多的证据,并取代了以前使用的各种协议(例如罗切斯特、费城、波士顿)。该指南还吸收了最新研究的经验教训,例如儿科紧急护理应用研究网络发热婴儿工作组的工作。本文将解释该指南的动机,总结其建议,并详细说明如何评估和管理不属于指南范围内的 8 至 60 天表现良好的发热婴儿(表现不佳的婴儿)的婴儿。以及 8 天以下新生儿的早发感染)。 [小儿安。 2024;53(9):e314-e319。]。