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Contact Tracing for Mpox Clade II Cases Associated with Air Travel - United States, July 2021-August 2022.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report ( IF 25.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-05 , DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7335a1
Kristin C Delea , Tai-Ho Chen , Kayla Lavilla , Yonette Hercules , Shannon Gearhart , Leigh Ellyn Preston , Christine M Hughes , Faisal S Minhaj , Michelle A Waltenburg , Brittany Sunshine , Agam K Rao , Andrea M McCollum , Kara Adams , Miguel Ocaña , Olubunmi Akinkugbe , Clive Brown , Francisco Alvarado-Ramy

Monkeypox virus (MPXV) can spread among humans through direct contact with lesions, scabs, or saliva; via respiratory secretions; and indirectly from fomites; via percutaneous injuries; and by crossing the placenta to the fetus during pregnancy. Since 2022, most patients with mpox in the United States have experienced painful skin lesions, and some have had severe illness. During 2021-2022, CDC initiated aircraft contact investigations after receiving reports of travelers on commercial flights with probable or confirmed mpox during their infectious period. Data were collected 1) during 2021, when two isolated clade II mpox cases not linked to an outbreak were imported into the United States by international travelers and 2) for flights arriving in or traveling within the United States during April 30-August 2, 2022, after a global clade II mpox outbreak was detected in May 2022. A total of 113 persons (100 passengers and 13 crew members) traveled on 221 flights while they were infectious with mpox. CDC developed definitions for aircraft contacts based on proximity to mpox cases and flight duration, sent information about these contacts to U.S. health departments, and received outcome information for 1,046 (68%) of 1,538 contacts. No traveler was found to have acquired mpox via a U.S. flight exposure. For persons with mpox and their contacts who had departed from the United States, CDC forwarded contact information as well as details about the exposure event to destination countries to facilitate their own public health investigations. Findings from these aircraft contact investigations suggest that traveling on a flight with a person with mpox does not appear to constitute an exposure risk or warrant routine contact tracing activities. Nonetheless, CDC recommends that persons with mpox isolate and delay travel until they are no longer infectious.


与航空旅行相关的 Mpox Clade II 病例接触者追踪 - 美国,2021 年 7 月至 2022 年 8 月。

猴痘病毒 (MPXV) 可通过直接接触病变、结痂或唾液在人类之间传播;通过呼吸道分泌物;以及间接来自污染物;通过经皮损伤;以及在怀孕期间通过胎盘传给胎儿。自2022年以来,美国大多数MPOX患者都经历了痛苦的皮损,有些患者病情严重。 2021-2022 年期间,疾病预防控制中心在收到商业航班上的旅客在感染期间可能或确诊的 MPOX 的报告后,启动了飞机接触调查。收集数据:1) 2021 年期间,国际旅客将两例与疫情无关的孤立的 II 型 MPOX 病例输入美国;2) 2022 年 4 月 30 日至 8 月 2 日期间抵达或在美国境内旅行的航班2022 年 5 月,全球发现了第二类 MPOX 疫情。共有 113 人(100 名乘客和 13 名机组人员)乘坐 221 个航班旅行,同时感染了 MPOX。 CDC 根据与 MPOX 病例的接近程度和飞行时间制定了飞机接触者的定义,将这些接触者的信息发送给美国卫生部门,并收到了 1,538 名接触者中 1,046 名接触者 (68%) 的结果信息。没有发现旅客通过美国航班接触感染了mpox。对于离开美国的mpox患者及其接触者,CDC将联系信息以及有关暴露事件的详细信息转发给目的地国家,以方便他们自己进行公共卫生调查。这些飞机接触者调查的结果表明,与 MPOX 患者一起乘坐航班似乎并不构成暴露风险或需要进行常规接触者追踪活动。 尽管如此,疾病预防控制中心还是建议患有mpox的人进行隔离并推迟旅行,直到他们不再具有传染性。