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Who are the green transition experts? Towards a new research agenda on climate change knowledge
WIREs Climate Change ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-05 , DOI: 10.1002/wcc.917
Søren Lund Frandsen 1 , Jacob A. Hasselbalch 1

Experts play a significant role in shaping global and local norms on how societies should respond to the climate crisis. However, current scholarship on the relationship between expertise and climate change has not fully addressed recent transformations in the field, specifically the emergence and increasingly influential role of what we term “green transition expertise.” We define green transition expertise as a more applied, normative, and contextual form of climate change knowledge that is contrasted with the formalized, pure science of “climate expertise.” If climate experts assess the deteriorating state of the global climate, then transition experts tell states and corporations what they should do about it. We argue that if the social science of climate change knowledge is to further deepen its grasp of the politics of the green transition analytically and normatively, it must embrace a “post‐IPCC” research agenda that turns increasingly toward studying the power of transition experts in directing state and corporate climate action. Based on a review of the literature, we contrast the extant IPCC agenda with an emerging post‐IPCC agenda along three dimensions: expert cast (who are the experts?), expert content (what do they know?) and expert context (where are they located?). By marking a shift in each of these dimensions, the post‐IPCC agenda sensitizes the social science of climate change knowledge to overlooked and increasingly powerful forms of experts and expertise. To facilitate their study, we define six specific areas that require detailed attention as the post‐IPCC agenda develops.This article is categorized under: The Social Status of Climate Change Knowledge > Sociology/Anthropology of Climate Knowledge Policy and Governance > National Climate Change Policy Climate, History, Society, Culture > Ideas and Knowledge



专家在制定社会应如何应对气候危机的全球和地方规范方面发挥着重要作用。然而,目前关于专业知识与气候变化之间关系的学术研究尚未完全解决该领域最近的转变,特别是我们所说的“绿色转型专业知识”的出现和日益重要的作用。我们将绿色转型专业知识定义为一种更具应用性、规范性和情境性的气候变化知识形式,与形式化、纯粹的“气候专业知识”科学形成鲜明对比。如果气候专家评估全球气候恶化的状况,那么转型专家就会告诉国家和企业应该采取什么措施。我们认为,如果气候变化知识的社会科学要进一步加深对绿色转型政治的分析性和规范性把握,它必须接受“后政府间气候变化专门委员会”的研究议程,该议程越来越多地转向研究转型专家在绿色转型中的力量。指导国家和企业的气候行动。基于对文献的回顾,我们从三个维度将现有的 IPCC 议程与新兴的后 IPCC 议程进行对比:专家阵容(谁是专家?)、专家内容(他们知道什么?)和专家背景(他们在哪里)。他们找到了?)。通过标志着每个维度的转变,后政府间气候变化专门委员会议程使气候变化知识的社会科学对被忽视和日益强大的专家和专业知识形式更加敏感。为了促进他们的研究,我们定义了随着后 IPCC 议程的发展需要详细关注的六个具体领域。本文分类如下: 气候变化知识的社会地位 > 气候知识的社会学/人类学 政策和治理 > 国家气候变化政策 气候、历史、社会、文化 > 思想和知识