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The Grenfell Tower Inquiry reveals fundamental weaknesses of governance
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-06 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q1948
Martin McKee 1 , Isobel Braithwaite 2 , May Ci van Schalkwyk 1

In 2017, one of us wrote in this journal that “it is impossible to achieve a comprehensive understanding of events such as Grenfell Tower without confronting the political determinants of health and challenging the forces that shape them.” 1 Seven years later, the final report of the official inquiry into this tragedy, which killed 72 people, shows the extent to which this argument holds true.2 When disasters occur, the media and politicians commonly focus on the immediate causes rather than the political decisions that create the conditions that allow them to happen. When refugees drown in the Mediterranean or English Channel, the focus is on people traffickers, who bear much of the responsibility. Yet they ignore the actions of the high income countries, which contribute to both climatic changes and resource related conflicts that can force people to flee from home.3 The 2017 editorial referred to the loss of life in Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The immediate cause was the extreme weather, but it was the political failure to plan for such events that caused so many, mostly marginalised, people to die.1 The Grenfell Tower Inquiry report is different. While it contains much technical detail about the structural and procedural failings that allowed the fire to spread rapidly, it …



2017 年,我们中的一位在本杂志上写道,“如果不直面健康的政治决定因素并挑战影响它们的力量,就不可能全面了解格伦菲尔大厦等事件。” 1 七年后,官方对这场造成 72 人死亡的悲剧进行调查的最终报告显示了这一论点的正确程度。2 当灾难发生时,媒体和政客通常关注直接原因,而不是政治因素。为实现这些目标创造条件的决策。当难民在地中海或英吉利海峡溺水身亡时,人们关注的焦点就是人贩子,他们负有大部分责任。然而,他们忽视了高收入国家的行动,这些行动导致了气候变化和与资源相关的冲突,可能迫使人们逃离家园。3 2017 年的社论提到了 2005 年卡特里娜飓风造成的人员伤亡。直接原因是极端天气,但正是政治上未能对此类事件做好计划,才导致如此多的人(其中大多数是边缘化人群)死亡。1 格伦菲尔大厦调查报告有所不同。虽然它包含了许多关于导致火势迅速蔓延的结构和程序缺陷的技术细节,但它……