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Rotating-Stirring Process and Circular Time Series
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-05 , DOI: 10.1109/temc.2024.3431687
Rabah Florian Monsef 1

In the context of reverberation chambers, correlations observed in stirring processes are almost always modeled by linear time series (LTS). Although this approach is known to be reasonable for sliding stirrers, it turns out that its relevance has never been discussed for rotating stirrers. For the first time, we propose to use circular time series (CTS) to model rotating stirring processes. This allows one to exhibit operational conditions under which LTS and CTS perform similarly in terms of modeling accuracy and those where CTS should be used instead of LTS; in particular, the number of stirrer positions is shown to play a key role for this choice.



在混响室的背景下,在搅拌过程中观察到的相关性几乎总是由线性时间序列 (LTS) 建模。尽管已知这种方法对于滑动搅拌器是合理的,但事实证明,它与旋转搅拌器的相关性从未被讨论过。我们首次提出使用循环时间序列 (CTS) 来模拟旋转搅拌过程。这允许展示 LTS 和 CTS 在建模精度方面表现相似的操作条件,以及应使用 CTS 而不是 LTS 的操作条件;特别是,搅拌器位置的数量在这种选择中起着关键作用。