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Dual-Frequency Four-Stage Polarimetric SAR Interferometry for Forest Height Estimation
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-05 , DOI: 10.1109/tgrs.2024.3454809
Fengli Xue 1 , Jili Wang 1 , Mingjie Zheng 1 , Heng Zhang 1 , Xiuqing Liu 1 , Longxiang Wang 1 , Xiaoxue Jia 1 , Yunkai Deng 1

Polarimetry synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (PolInSAR) has been well-established for forest height estimation. However, employing mono-frequency SAR data for PolInSAR tree height inversion presents inherent limitations, posing challenges to ensure inversion accuracy. This article presents a novel method for the inversion of vegetation parameters using dual-frequency (DF) four-stage PolInSAR, aiming to address the limitations observed in mono-frequency inversion. By leveraging the differential penetration of vegetation across distinct frequency bands, this method facilitates the derivation of more precise volume-only coherence and ground phase information. Applying the DF four-stage PolInSAR method to a substantial dataset of simulation results identifies the optimal band combination as P- and L-band. Moreover, the band combination that yields the most significant enhancement in accuracy is determined to be L- and S-band. These simulation results inform the design of the DF full-polarization SAR system. Subsequently, airborne SAR data are acquired using this L- and S-band full-polarization airborne SAR system over the Saihanba Forest Farm in Hebei, China. Ground-based LiDAR measurements serve as reference values for the comparison of PolInSAR inversion results. The DF four-stage PolInSAR method has a 5.46% improvement in the inversion accuracy of airborne SAR data. Both simulation and airborne SAR data inversion outcomes demonstrate a significant enhancement in forest height inversion accuracy achieved through the DF four-stage PolInSAR method compared to the mono-frequency approach.