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DNA Packaging Specificity in the λ-Like Phages: Gifsy-1
Molecular Microbiology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-05 , DOI: 10.1111/mmi.15306
Michael Feiss 1 , Jean Arens Sippy 1

DNA viruses recognize viral DNA and package it into virions. Specific recognition is needed to distinguish viral DNA from host cell DNA. The λ-like Escherichia coli phages are interesting and good models to examine genome packaging by large DNA viruses. Gifsy-1 is a λ-like Salmonella phage. Gifsy-1's DNA packaging specificity was compared with those of closely related phages λ, 21, and N15. In vivo packaging studies showed that a Gifsy-1-specific phage packaged λ DNA at ca. 50% efficiency and λ packages Gifsy-1-specific DNA at ~30% efficiency. The results indicate that Gifsy-1 and λ share the same DNA packaging specificity. N15 is also shown to package Gifsy-1 DNA. Phage 21 fails to package λ, N15, and Gifsy-1-specific DNAs; the efficiencies are 0.01%, 0.01%, and 1%, respectively. A known incompatibility between the 21 helix-turn-helix motif and cosBλ is proposed to account for the inability of 21 to package Gifsy-1 DNA. A model is proposed to explain the 100-fold difference in packaging efficiency between λ and Gifsy-1-specific DNAs by phage 21. Database sequences of enteric prophages indicate that phages with Gifsy-1's DNA packaging determinants are confined to Salmonella species. Similarly, prophages with λ DNA packaging specificity are rarely found in Salmonella. It is proposed that λ and Gifsy-1 have diverged from a common ancestor phage, and that the differences may reflect adaptation of their packaging systems to host cell differences.


λ 样噬菌体中的 DNA 包装特异性:Gifsy-1

DNA 病毒识别病毒 DNA 并将其包装成病毒粒子。需要特异性识别来区分病毒 DNA 和宿主细胞 DNA。λ 样大肠杆菌噬菌体是检查大型 DNA 病毒基因组包装的有趣且良好的模型。Gifsy-1 是一种 λ 样沙门氏菌噬菌体。将 Gifsy-1 的 DNA 包装特异性与密切相关的噬菌体 λ 、 21 和 N15 的 DNA 包装特异性进行比较。体内包装研究表明,Gifsy-1 特异性噬菌体以约 50% 的效率包装 λ DNA,λ~30% 的效率包装 Gifsy-1 特异性 DNA。结果表明,Gifsy-1 和 λ 具有相同的 DNA 包装特异性。N15 也被证明可以包装 Gifsy-1 DNA。噬菌体 21 无法包装 λ、N15 和 Gifsy-1 特异性 DNA;效率分别为 0.01%、0.01% 和 1%。21 螺旋-转角-螺旋基序与 cosBλ 之间的已知不相容性被提出来解释 21 无法包装 Gifsy-1 DNA。提出了一个模型来解释噬菌体 21 在 λ 和 Gifsy-1 特异性 DNA 之间的包装效率上存在 100 倍的差异。肠道原噬菌体的数据库序列表明,具有 Gifsy-1 DNA 包装决定因素的噬菌体仅限于沙门氏菌属。同样,在 Salmonella 中也很少发现具有 λ DNA 包装特异性的原噬菌体。有人提出 λ 和 Gifsy-1 已经从共同的祖先噬菌体分化出来,并且这些差异可能反映了它们的包装系统对宿主细胞差异的适应。