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In-hospital outcomes of ad hoc versus planned PCI for unprotected left-main disease: An analysis of 8574 cases from British Cardiovascular Intervention Society database 2006–2018
Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-05 , DOI: 10.1002/ccd.31210
Tim Kinnaird 1 , Sean Gallagher 1 , Vasim Farooq 1 , Majd B Protty 1 , Hannah Cranch 1 , Peader Devlin 1 , Andrew Sharp 1 , Nick Curzen 2 , Peter Ludman 3 , David Hildick-Smith 4 , Tom Johnson 5 , Mamas A Mamas 6

Although data suggests ad hoc percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) results in similar patient outcomes compared to planned PCI in nonselected patients, data for ad hoc unprotected left main stem PCI (uLMS-PCI) are lacking.


无保护左主干疾病临时与计划 PCI 的院内结果:2006-2018 年英国心血管干预协会数据库 8574 例病例的分析

尽管数据表明,在未选择患者中,与计划的 PCI 相比,临时经皮冠状动脉介入治疗 (PCI) 的患者结局相似,但缺乏临时无保护左主干 PCI (uLMS-PCI) 的数据。