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Standing in the shadows: is standing a tonic or a toxin for cardiometabolic health?
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108232
Andreas Holtermann 1 , Pieter Coenen 2 , Matthew N Ahmadi 3, 4, 5 , Emmanuel Stamatakis 4, 5, 6 , Leon Straker 7

Need to put the health effects of standing in the research spotlight. Since the turn of the century, the spotlight on the cardiometabolic risks of prolonged sitting has overshadowed the health effects of perhaps the greatest behavioural change in the transition from hunter-gatherers to modern humans: the remarkable increase in time spent standing.1 As an example, figure 1 makes a comparison in device-measured time spent in various postures between middle-aged British adults2 and Hadza adults in Tanzania1 who still live a typical hunter-gatherer lifestyle. These data illustrate that in modern western society adults spend more than twice as much time in standing postures while stepping less, than typical hunter-gatherers. There are many differences between the populations which might confound these differences, but they indicate that globally, adults might have different compositions of physical behaviours depending on whether they are living in agricultural, industrial or information-based communities. A large portion of present-day adults spend a considerable amount of their day standing, with recent data from international adult cohorts showing that daily standing accounts for a staggering 3.1–4.6 hours/day or approximately 19%–29% of total waking times.2 3 Figure 1 Comparison in device-measured posture and activity (sedentary, standing, stepping and sleeping) allocation between middle-aged British adults2 (representing modern lifestyle) and Hadza …



需要将站对健康的影响置于研究的聚光灯下。自世纪之交以来,人们对长时间坐着的心脏代谢风险的关注掩盖了可能是从狩猎采集者过渡到现代人类过程中最大的行为变化对健康的影响:站立时间的显著增加。例如,图 1 比较了中年英国成年人2 和坦桑尼亚 Hadza 成年人1 以各种姿势花费的时间,他们仍然过着典型的狩猎采集生活方式。这些数据表明,在现代西方社会,成年人保持站立姿势的时间是典型的狩猎采集者的两倍多,而步数较少。人群之间存在许多差异,这可能会混淆这些差异,但它们表明,在全球范围内,成年人的身体行为可能具有不同的构成,具体取决于他们是生活在农业、工业还是信息型社区。当今成年人的很大一部分人每天花费相当多的时间站立,来自国际成人队列的最新数据显示,每天站立的时间达到惊人的 3.1-4.6 小时,约占总清醒时间的 19%-29%。3 图 1 中年英国成年人 2(代表现代生活方式)和 Hadza 之间设备测量的姿势和活动(久坐、站立、踏步和睡觉)分配的比较......