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Sex-based differences in candidacy for transcatheter tricuspid valve intervention
Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-03 , DOI: 10.1002/ccd.31216
Allison O Dumitriu Carcoana 1 , Christopher B Scoma 2 , Sebastian N Maletz 1 , Jose A Malavet 1 , Charissa A Bloom 1 , Daniela R Crousillat 1, 3 , Fadi A Matar 1, 3

Women have a higher prevalence of tricuspid regurgitation (TR) and present at more advanced stages as compared with men. Given the high operative mortality associated with tricuspid valve (TV) surgery, transcatheter tricuspid valve interventions (TTVI) have emerged as a promising treatment option. We explored sex-based differences among patients with significant TR who would be expected to be eligible for TTVI.



与男性相比,女性的三尖瓣反流 (TR) 患病率更高,并且处于更晚期。鉴于与三尖瓣 (TV) 手术相关的高手术死亡率,经导管三尖瓣介入治疗 (TTVI) 已成为一种有前途的治疗选择。我们探讨了预期有资格接受 TTVI 的严重 TR 患者之间的性别差异。