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“Undoubtedly a race, but they are not human”: Immuno-politics and the Recognition of the Jew as Pathogenic Nonself in Art Spiegelman’s Maus
Journal of Medical Humanities ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10912-024-09881-x
Arindam Nandi 1

This article engages with the immuno-political juxtaposition of the healthy self and the pathogenic other to critically examine the representation of Nazis and Jews in Art Spiegelman’s Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel Maus (1996). Written as a postmemory narrative, Maus recounts the horrors experienced by the author’s father Vladek Spiegelman as a survivor of the Holocaust that claimed an approximate six million Jewish lives. Beginning with the years leading up to World War II, Spiegelman’s novel reimagines the discrimination, dislocation, and dehumanization suffered by Vladek and his family at various prison camps in Nazi-occupied Poland before being transferred to Auschwitz. Deploying an immuno-political reading of Maus, this article investigates how the Third Reich undertook a systematic extermination of the Jewish race by construing them as immunological nonself or pathogenic others. It further argues that Nazism’s fantasy of constructing a racially aseptic German identity by eradicating the Jews as vermin or parasites was reinforced by the late nineteenth-century eugenicist ideologies of racial hygiene. This article finally considers how policies of excessive immunization that was deployed by Nazi biopolitics against the Jewish community, as well as exercised by the Jews to survive the Holocaust, eventually assumed the form of an autoimmune pathology that culminated with the attempted destruction of the entire medico-juridical infrastructure of the German Reich on the one hand and the fostering of suicidal tendencies by the Jewish survivors on the other.



本文将健康的自我与致病的他人进行免疫政治并置,批判性地审视阿特·斯皮格曼获得普利策奖的图画小说《鼠族》( Maus ,1996)中纳粹和犹太人的表现。 《鼠斯》以后记忆叙事的方式写成,讲述了作者的父亲弗拉德克·斯皮格曼 (Vladek Spiegelman) 作为大屠杀幸存者所经历的恐怖,这场大屠杀夺去了大约 600 万犹太人的生命。斯皮格曼的小说从第二次世界大战前的几年开始,重新想象了弗拉德克和他的家人在被转移到奥斯威辛集中营之前在纳粹占领的波兰的各个战俘营中遭受的歧视、混乱和非人化。本文采用对《鼠族》的免疫政治解读,探讨了第三帝国如何通过将犹太种族视为免疫性非我或致病性他人来系统性灭绝他们。它进一步认为,纳粹主义通过消灭犹太人作为害虫或寄生虫来构建种族无菌的德国身份的幻想,受到十九世纪末种族卫生优生主义意识形态的强化。本文最后探讨了纳粹生命政治对犹太社区实施的过度免疫政策,以及犹太人为在大屠杀中生存而实施的过度免疫政策,最终如何呈现出一种自身免疫病理学的形式,并最终以试图摧毁整个医疗系统而告终。 -一方面是德意志帝国的司法基础设施,另一方面是犹太幸存者滋生自杀倾向。
