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Exploring the Current Landscape of the United States Early Childhood Care and Education Workforce
Early Childhood Education Journal ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10643-024-01730-9
Hyunjin Kim , Susan Trostle Brand , Rachael Zeltzer

This study provides the challenges and opportunities facing the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) workforce in the United States. Acknowledging the pivotal role of early educators in children’s development, the authors argue for comprehensive policy reforms to address economic and societal challenges faced by the ECCE workforce. Examining national best practices, offers a roadmap for enhancing the ECCE sector in the United States, emphasizing the need for improved compensation, professional development opportunities, and greater societal recognition of the ECCE workforce’s value. The discussion extends to the implications of these challenges for the quality of early childhood education and the well-being of educators, suggesting a future research agenda focused on evaluating the effects of proposed reforms and exploring innovative strategies to support the ECCE workforce. This forward-looking approach aims not only to improve the status and quality of early childhood education but also to ensure a brighter future for children through a more supported, recognized, and valued ECCE workforce.



本研究揭示了美国幼儿保育和教育 (ECCE) 劳动力面临的挑战和机遇。作者认识到早期教育工作者在儿童发展中的关键作用,主张进行全面的政策改革,以应对幼儿保育和教育劳动力面临的经济和社会挑战。审查国家最佳实践,提供了加强美国幼儿保育和教育部门的路线图,强调需要提高薪酬、专业发展机会以及提高社会对幼儿保育和教育劳动力价值的认可。讨论延伸到这些挑战对幼儿教育质量和教育工作者福祉的影响,提出未来的研究议程,重点是评估拟议改革的效果,并探索支持幼儿保育和教育劳动力的创新战略。这种前瞻性的方法不仅旨在提高幼儿教育的地位和质量,而且还通过更多支持、认可和重视的幼儿保育和教育劳动力确保儿童拥有更光明的未来。
