Archives of Sexual Behavior ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10508-024-02988-1 Faye Chadwick-Brown 1 , Joyce J Endendijk 1
This study examined associations between sexualized media consumption, sexual double standard (SDS) norms, and sexual coercion perpetration and victimization in late adolescence and whether these associations were moderated by gender. Participants were sexually active Dutch secondary school students aged 16–20 years (N = 255, 58.4% girls). Data were collected using a self-report questionnaire at a single time-point. Overall, more sexualized media consumption was associated with higher odds of both sexual coercion perpetration and victimization. These associations did not differ by gender. Specifically, viewing online pornography and sexually oriented reality television more frequently were associated with higher odds of sexual coercion perpetration, whereas viewing others’ sexy social media posts more frequently was associated with higher odds of sexual coercion victimization. Finally, stronger endorsement of SDS norms was associated with lower odds of sexual coercion perpetration in girls, but with comparatively higher odds of sexual coercion perpetration in boys. Results indicate that consuming sexualized media and societal sexual double standards is associated with an increased risk of sexual coercion experiences in adolescence.

本研究考察了性化媒体消费、性双重标准 (SDS) 规范与青春期晚期性胁迫实施和受害之间的关联,以及这些关联是否受到性别的调节。参与者是 16-20 岁性活跃的荷兰中学生 (N = 255,58.4% 的女孩)。使用自我报告问卷在单个时间点收集数据。总体而言,更多的性化媒体消费与性胁迫实施和受害的几率更高有关。这些关联不因性别而异。具体来说,更频繁地观看在线色情和性取向真人秀节目与较高的性胁迫犯罪几率有关,而更频繁地观看他人的性感社交媒体帖子与较高的性胁迫受害几率有关。最后,对 SDS 规范的更强认可与女孩实施性胁迫的几率较低相关,但与男孩实施性胁迫的几率相对较高有关。结果表明,消费性化媒体和社会性双重标准与青春期性胁迫经历的风险增加有关。