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Safety, efficacy, and optical coherence tomography insights into intravascular lithotripsy for the modification of non-eruptive calcified nodules: A prospective observational study
Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-03 , DOI: 10.1002/ccd.31217
Ankush Gupta 1 , Abhinav Shrivastava 2 , Sanya Chhikara 3 , Pruthvi C Revaiah 4 , Mamas A Mamas 5 , Rajesh Vijayvergiya 6 , Ashok Seth 7 , Balwinder Singh 1 , Nitin Bajaj 1 , Navreet Singh 1 , Jaskarn Singh Dugal 8 , Nalin K Mahesh 9

Non-eruptive calcium nodules (CNs) are commonly seen in heavily calcified coronary artery disease. They are the most difficult subset for modification, and may result in stent damage, malapposition and under-expansion. There are only limited options available for non-eruptive CN modification. Intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) is being explored as a potentially safe and effective modality in these lesions.



非萌出性钙结节 (CNs) 常见于重度钙化冠状动脉疾病。它们是最难修饰的子集,可能导致支架损伤、畸形和扩张不足。非喷发性 CN 修饰可用的选项有限。血管内碎石术 (IVL) 正在探索作为这些病变的一种潜在安全有效的方式。