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Clustering Methods in Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases Research: An Educational Guide to Best Research Practices.
The Journal of Rheumatology ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-01 , DOI: 10.3899/jrheum.2024-0519
Samantha Chin 1 , Jamie E Collins 2

Clinical manifestations and disease progression often exhibit significant variability among patients with rheumatic diseases, complicating diagnosis and treatment strategies. A better understanding of disease heterogeneity may allow for personalized treatment strategies. Cluster analysis is a class of statistical methods that aims to identify subgroups or patterns within a dataset. Cluster analysis is a type of unsupervised learning, meaning that there are no outcomes or label to guide the analysis, i.e., there is no ground truth. This makes it difficult to assess the accuracy or validity of the identified clusters and therefore these methods require thoughtful planning and careful interpretation. Here we provide a high-level overview of clustering, including different types of clustering methods, important considerations when undertaking clustering, and review some examples from the rheumatology literature.


