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A Novel Method to Optimize Personal IOL Constants
American Journal of Ophthalmology ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ajo.2024.08.029
Dante Buonsanti 1 , David L Cooke 2 , Kenneth J Hoffer 3 , Giacomo Savini 4 , Enrico Lupardi 5 , Jorge Buonsanti 1 , Jaime Aramberri 6

To describe a novel method called “three variable optimization” that entails a process of doing just one calculation to zero out the mean prediction error of an entire dataset (regardless of size), using only 3 variables: (1) the constant used, (2) the average intraocular lens (IOL) power, and (3) the average prediction error (PE as actual refraction - predicted refraction).


一种优化个人 IOL 常数的新方法

描述一种称为“三变量优化”的新方法,该方法需要只进行一次计算,以将整个数据集的平均预测误差归零(无论大小),仅使用 3 个变量:(1) 使用的常数,(2) 平均人工晶状体 (IOL) 度数,以及 (3) 平均预测误差(PE 作为实际折射 - 预测折射)。