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Putting the "experience" back in experience sampling: A phenomenological approach.
Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-29 , DOI: 10.1037/abn0000928
Gil Grunfeld 1 , Laura F Bringmann 2 , Daniel Fulford 1

This article discusses the concept of "experience" in experience sampling. A central challenge of clinical science is understanding psychopathological constructs and their manifestations. In conventional definitions and measures of psychopathology, subjective experience of mental disorder is often lost. The authors argue for an integration of phenomenology-or prioritization of subjectivity-in psychopathological construct definition and measurement, particularly through experience sampling methods (ESMs). ESMs capture idiographic, contextual, and longitudinal elements of lived experience that can expand our current conceptualizations and classifications of psychopathology. The authors propose three novel applications and extensions: (a) leveraging ESM for subjective construct definition (i.e., phenomena detection), (b) mixed-methods approaches, like cognitive interviewing, to improve the validity of ESM measures and (c) incorporation of novel ESM approaches (e.g., audiovisual data capturing) to expand understanding of subjective, daily experience of psychopathology. Merging phenomenological tradition with ESM serves to expand our understanding of psychopathology and bring "experience" back into experience sampling. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2025 APA, all rights reserved).



本文讨论了经验抽样中的 “experience” 概念。临床科学的一个主要挑战是理解精神病理学结构及其表现。在精神病理学的常规定义和测量中,精神障碍的主观体验经常丢失。作者主张将现象学或主观性的优先性整合到精神病理学结构定义和测量中,特别是通过经验抽样方法 (ESM)。ESM 捕捉了生活经验的独特、背景和纵向元素,这些元素可以扩展我们当前对精神病理学的概念化和分类。作者提出了三种新颖的应用和扩展:(a) 利用 ESM 进行主观结构定义(即现象检测),(b) 混合方法,如认知访谈,以提高 ESM 测量的有效性,以及 (c) 结合新的 ESM 方法(例如,视听数据捕获)以扩大对精神病理学的主观日常体验的理解。将现象学传统与 ESM 相结合有助于扩大我们对精神病理学的理解,并将“经验”带回经验采样中。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2025 APA,保留所有权利)。