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Practices and outcomes of rotational atherectomy in China: The Rota China registry
Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-03 , DOI: 10.1002/ccd.31211
Xiao Wang 1, 2 , Hong Zhang 3 , Xiaojun Bai 4 , Li Zhang 5 , Chengxiang Li 6 , Xiaobo Mao 7 , Jue Chen 8 , Jianfang Luo 9 , Yan Zhao 3 , Binquan Zhou 10 , Bei'an You 11 , Yuelan Zhang 12 , Likun Ma 13 , Zhimin Du 14 , Yan Chen 15 , Fucheng Sun 16 , Chunguang Qiu 17 , Zhujun Shen 18 , Shangyu Wen 19 , Gary S Mintz 20 , Fei Ye 21 , Shaoping Nie 1 ,

Rotational atherectomy (RA) remains an integral tool for the treatment of severe coronary calcified lesions despite emergence of newer techniques. We aimed to evaluate the contemporary clinical practices and outcomes of RA in China.