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Interorgan, intraorgan and interplant communication mediated by nitric oxide and related species
New Phytologist ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-02 , DOI: 10.1111/nph.20085
Zsuzsanna Kolbert 1 , Juan B Barroso 2 , Alexandre Boscari 3 , Francisco J Corpas 4 , Kapuganti Jagadis Gupta 5 , John T Hancock 6 , Christian Lindermayr 7 , José Manuel Palma 4 , Marek Petřivalský 8 , David Wendehenne 9 , Gary J Loake 10

Plant survival to a potential plethora of diverse environmental insults is underpinned by coordinated communication amongst organs to help shape effective responses to these environmental challenges at the whole plant level. This interorgan communication is supported by a complex signal network that regulates growth, development and environmental responses. Nitric oxide (NO) has emerged as a key signalling molecule in plants. However, its potential role in interorgan communication has only recently started to come into view. Direct and indirect evidence has emerged supporting that NO and related species (S-nitrosoglutathione, nitro-linolenic acid) are mobile interorgan signals transmitting responses to stresses such as hypoxia and heat. Beyond their role as mobile signals, NO and related species are involved in mediating xylem development, thus contributing to efficient root–shoot communication. Moreover, NO and related species are regulators in intraorgan systemic defence responses aiming an effective, coordinated defence against pathogens. Beyond its in planta signalling role, NO and related species may act as ex planta signals coordinating external leaf-to-leaf, root-to-leaf but also plant-to-plant communication. Here, we discuss these exciting developments and emphasise how their manipulation may provide novel strategies for crop improvement.



植物在面对大量不同的环境威胁时存活下来,其基础是器官之间的协调沟通,以帮助在整个植物水平上有效应对这些环境挑战。这种器官间通信由调节生长、发育和环境响应的复杂信号网络支持。一氧化氮 (NO) 已成为植物中的关键信号分子。然而,它在器官间交流中的潜在作用直到最近才开始进入人们的视野。已经出现直接和间接证据支持 NO 和相关物种 (S-亚硝基谷胱甘肽、硝基-亚麻酸) 是移动的器官间信号,传递对缺氧和高温等压力的反应。除了作为移动信号的作用外,NO 和相关物种还参与介导木质部发育,从而有助于有效的根芽通讯。此外,NO 和相关物种是器官内全身防御反应的调节因子,旨在有效、协调地防御病原体。除了在植物中信号的作用外,NO 和相关物种还可以作为植物外信号,协调外部叶对叶、根对叶以及植物对植物的通信。在这里,我们讨论了这些令人兴奋的发展,并强调了它们的操纵如何为作物改良提供新的策略。