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All Is Well Until It Isn’t: Socioemotional Wealth Congruence and Employee Behavior in Family Firms
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice ( IF 7.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-02 , DOI: 10.1177/10422587241270638
James M. Vardaman 1 , Benjamin D. McLarty 2 , Min Z. Carter 3

This article explores the counterintuitive notion that congruence in the importance family firm supervisors and their employees place on socioemotional wealth is negatively associated with employee citizenship and proactive behaviors, while incongruence has positive effects. Results from polynomial regression analysis of data collected from 159 family firm supervisor–employee dyads support our complacency theory-based model, suggesting that congruence creates attentional lethargy and complacency toward organizational citizenship and proactivity while incongruence makes the need to engage in beneficial behaviors more salient. The negative effects of congruence are alleviated by higher levels of leader–member exchange. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.



本文探讨了一个反直觉的概念,即家族企业主管及其员工对社会情感财富的重视程度一致与员工公民意识和积极行为呈负相关,而不一致则产生积极影响。对 159 名家族企业主管-员工二人组收集的数据进行多项式回归分析,结果支持我们基于自满理论的模型,表明一致性会造成对组织公民和主动性的注意力麻木和自满,而不一致则使参与有益行为的需要更加突出。领导者与成员之间更高水平的交流可以减轻一致性的负面影响。讨论了理论和实践意义。