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Kidney disease, diabetes, and diameter stenosis predict Rotablation bailout in modified balloon application for severely calcified coronary lesions
Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-02 , DOI: 10.1002/ccd.31181
Dominik Felbel 1 , Ali Fattom 1 , Isabella Fechter 1 , Michael Paukovitsch 1 , Tilman Stephan 1 , Matthias Gröger 1 , Mirjam Keßler 1 , Leonhard Schneider 1 , Johannes Mörike 1 , Birgid Gonska 1 , Armin Imhof 1 , Wolfgang Rottbauer 1 , Dominik Buckert 1 , Sinisa Markovic 1

Modified balloon (MB) treatment in severely calcified coronary artery lesions is an established technique. However, some lesions require Rotablation (RA) as bailout strategy.


肾脏疾病、糖尿病和直径狭窄预示着严重钙化冠状动脉病变在改良球囊应用中的 Rotablation 救助

严重钙化冠状动脉病变的改良球囊 (MB) 治疗是一种成熟的技术。然而,一些病变需要旋转 (RA) 作为救助策略。