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User acceptance of strategic planning: Evidence from Northern European municipalities
Public Administration Review ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-02 , DOI: 10.1111/puar.13874
Bert George 1 , Dag Ingvar Jacobsen 2 , Jan‐Erik Johanson 3 , Åge Johnsen 4 , Elias Pekkola 3

Strategic planning is core to public administration at all governmental levels. Evidence suggests that when conducted well strategic planning impacts several performance outcomes. Yet, public administration and strategy scholars have argued that strategic planning is not only a technical procedure. Its success is contingent upon the people involved in strategic planning. This study investigates strategic planning using user acceptance theory. It identifies whether formal and participatory strategic planning associate with ease of use and usefulness of strategic planning and, in turn, whether ease of use and usefulness associate with commitment to strategic plans. Results from PLS‐SEM analysis of survey data from 327 municipalities in three Northern European countries or regions (Flanders, Finland, Norway) corroborate the perspective of strategic planning as organizational behavior where design choices shape attitudes and behaviors. These findings support calls to consider strategic planning from a 3Ps perspective, namely connecting people–process–plan, to achieve outcomes.



战略规划是各级政府公共行政的核心。有证据表明,如果执行得当,战略规划会影响多种绩效结果。然而,公共管理和战略学者认为,战略规划不仅仅是一个技术程序。它的成功取决于参与战略规划的人员。本研究利用用户接受理论研究战略规划。它确定正式的和参与性的战略规划是否与战略规划的易用性和有用性相关,进而确定易用性和有用性是否与对战略计划的承诺相关。对来自三个北欧国家或地区(佛兰德斯、芬兰、挪威)的 327 个城市的调查数据进行 PLS-SEM 分析的结果证实了战略规划作为组织行为的观点,其中设计选择塑造态度和行为。这些发现支持从 3P 角度考虑战略规划的呼吁,即将人员、流程、计划联系起来,以实现成果。