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Lichen planus following Covid-19 vaccination: a narrative review.
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-27 , DOI: 10.1093/ced/llae356
Michela D'Agostino 1 , Fabrizio Martora 1 , Matteo Megna 1 , Maddalena Napolitano 1 , Luca Potestio 1

Lichen planus (LP) is an inflammatory disease that afflicts skin, mucous membranes, cutaneous appendages. Moreover, LP represents a prototype of lichenoid dermatosis, being characterized by the presence of a dense dermal cell infiltrate. Although most cases of LP are idiopathic, infectious and drug-related factors must also be considered in the etiology. In this context, the occurrence of LP and lichenoid drug eruption following different types of vaccination is a possible event. Therefore, the aim of our review is to provide a broad perspective to clinicians by analyzing the current literature cases of LP and lichenoid eruptions following COVID-19 vaccination, also investigating the possible pathogenetic mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. A total of 61 cases of LP and lichenoid eruption following COVID-19 vaccination have been collected. However, the number of cases of LP and lichenoid drug eruption is extremely low if compared to the number of vaccines administered overall, suggesting that the risk of LP and lichenoid eruption following COVID-19 vaccination is extremely low. Certainly, further studies are desirable to identify the population most at risk and the possibility of taking preventive measures.


Covid-19 疫苗接种后的扁平苔藓:叙述性回顾。

扁平苔藓(LP)是一种影响皮肤、粘膜、皮肤附属器的炎症性疾病。此外,LP代表了苔藓样皮肤病的原型,其特征是存在致密的真皮细胞浸润。虽然大多数LP病例是特发性的,但在病因学上也必须考虑感染和药物相关因素。在这种情况下,不同类型的疫苗接种后发生LP和苔藓样药疹是可能的。因此,我们综述的目的是通过分析当前关于 COVID-19 疫苗接种后 LP 和苔藓样皮疹的文献病例,并调查这种现象背后可能的发病机制,为临床医生提供广阔的视角。共收集了 61 例接种 COVID-19 疫苗后出现 LP 和苔藓样皮疹的病例。然而,与总体接种疫苗数量相比,LP 和苔藓样药疹病例数极低,这表明接种 COVID-19 疫苗后出现 LP 和苔藓样药疹的风险极低。当然,需要进一步研究以确定风险最大的人群以及采取预防措施的可能性。