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Genetics of cell-type-specific post-transcriptional gene regulation during human neurogenesis
American Journal of Human Genetics ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2024.07.015
Nil Aygün 1 , Celine Vuong 2 , Oleh Krupa 1 , Jessica Mory 1 , Brandon D Le 1 , Jordan M Valone 1 , Dan Liang 1 , Beck Shafie 2 , Pan Zhang 2 , Angelo Salinda 2 , Cindy Wen 2 , Michael J Gandal 3 , Michael I Love 4 , Luis de la Torre-Ubieta 2 , Jason L Stein 1

The function of some genetic variants associated with brain-relevant traits has been explained through colocalization with expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) conducted in bulk postmortem adult brain tissue. However, many brain-trait associated loci have unknown cellular or molecular function. These genetic variants may exert context-specific function on different molecular phenotypes including post-transcriptional changes. Here, we identified genetic regulation of RNA editing and alternative polyadenylation (APA) within a cell-type-specific population of human neural progenitors and neurons. More RNA editing and isoforms utilizing longer polyadenylation sequences were observed in neurons, likely due to higher expression of genes encoding the proteins mediating these post-transcriptional events. We also detected hundreds of cell-type-specific editing quantitative trait loci (edQTLs) and alternative polyadenylation QTLs (apaQTLs). We found colocalizations of a neuron edQTL in CCDC88A with educational attainment and a progenitor apaQTL in EP300 with schizophrenia, suggesting that genetically mediated post-transcriptional regulation during brain development leads to differences in brain function.