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Seasonal variations in the contribution of zooplankton fecal pellets to the particulate organic carbon fluxes over the slopes of the Pacific Arctic region
Progress in Oceanography ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2024.103335
Jeong-Hyun Kim , Catherine Lalande , Eun Jin Yang , Kyoung-Ho Cho , Dongseon Kim , Jong-Kuk Moon , Hyeju Yoo

As part of the Korea Arctic Mooring System (KAMS), sequential sediment traps were deployed at KAMS1 over the East Siberian Sea slope (∼115 and ∼335 m) and at KAMS2 over the Chukchi Sea slope (325 m) to collect sinking particles from August 2017 to August 2019. Fecal pellet carbon (FPC) fluxes and their contribution to the particulate organic carbon (POC) fluxes were measured to assess the role of zooplankton fecal pellets in the biological carbon pump at both sites. FPC fluxes increased at the onset of an under-ice bloom and peaked during the melt period at both sites in 2018. At KAMS1, a remarkable increase in FPC fluxes reflected the enhanced grazing of large copepods during the anomalously productive spring and summer of 2018, however their contributions to the POC fluxes mostly remained <10%. At KAMS2, relatively low FPC fluxes during the under-ice bloom suggested the export of a larger proportion of pellets produced by small copepods. Sustained FPC fluxes from January to May 2018 at KAMS2 contributed up to 24% of the POC fluxes, possibly resulting from pellet production by overwintering copepods grazing on particles laterally transported into the region in the presence of ice. These results indicate that despite their limited contribution to the POC fluxes, FPC fluxes varied with food availability, zooplankton community structure, and hydrographic conditions over the East Siberian and Chukchi Sea slopes.



作为韩国北极系泊系统 (KAMS) 的一部分,在东西伯利亚海斜坡(∼115 和∼335 m)上空的 KAMS1 和楚科奇海斜坡(325 m)上空的 KAMS2 部署了连续的沉积物捕集器,以收集沉降的颗粒。 2017年8月至2019年8月。测量了粪便颗粒碳(FPC)通量及其对颗粒有机碳(POC)通量的贡献,以评估浮游动物粪便颗粒在两个地点的生物碳泵中的作用。 FPC 通量在 2018 年冰下水华开始时增加,并在融化期间达到峰值。在 KAMS1,FPC 通量显着增加反映了 2018 年异常生产力的春季和夏季期间大型桡足类动物的放牧增加,然而,它们对 POC 通量的贡献大部分仍为 <10%。在 KAMS2,冰下水华期间相对较低的 FPC 通量表明出口了较大比例的小型桡足类动物产生的颗粒。 2018 年 1 月至 5 月,KAMS2 持续的 FPC 通量贡献了 POC 通量的 24%,这可能是由于越冬桡足类在有冰的情况下吃横向运输到该地区的颗粒而产生的颗粒所致。这些结果表明,尽管 FPC 通量对 POC 通量的贡献有限,但 FPC 通量随食物供应量、浮游动物群落结构以及东西伯利亚和楚科奇海斜坡的水文条件而变化。