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Analytical assessment based on radiative-magnetized nanomaterial viscoplastic flow configured by cylindrical regime with Darcy–Forchheimer porosity, Joule heating and chemical reaction
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.csite.2024.104960
Belkacem Kada , S. Bilal , Amjad Ali Pasha , M. Waqas , Nurnadiah Zamri , Shoira B. Formanova

Nanotechnology has turn out to be a focal point, disseminating its stimulus across distinct realms of technology, science and industry, making its mark in our routine inhabits. Nanoparticles are deployed in numerous industries encompassing bio-fuels production, bio-remediation, coating, solar film, crops production, photonic crystals, material science, cosmetics and drugs because of their characteristics like higher reactivity, catalytical activity, morphology and higher adsorption capacity. In this theoretical investigation, analytical simulations are carried out for mixed convective viscoplastic nanomaterial configured by permeable elongating surface. Flow is electrically conducting and thermally radiative. Transportation expressions include multi-physical effects like Brownian diffusion, thermal source, thermophoresis and chemical reaction. Darcy–Forchheimer (D–F) porosity aspect for non-Newtonian (viscoplastic) model is introduced. Boundary-layer incompressible stretched flow is modeled deploying Prandtl’s concept. Relevant dimensionless variables are employed to obtain ordinary differential expressions from the partial ones and homotopy algorithm is deployed for computational analysis of such expressions. Consequences of dimensionless expressions occurring in transformed differential systems are evaluated via graphs. We noticed that increasing radiation factor engenders higher temperature. Besides the nanoparticles concentration diminishes when Brownian diffusion and solutal Biot factors are enlarged.



纳米技术已成为焦点,将其刺激传播到技术、科学和工业的不同领域,在我们的日常生活中留下了印记。纳米颗粒因其较高的反应活性、催化活性、形态和较高的吸附能力等特点,被广泛应用于生物燃料生产、生物修复、涂料、太阳膜、农作物生产、光子晶体、材料科学、化妆品和药物等众多行业。在这项理论研究中,对由可渗透伸长表面构成的混合对流粘塑性纳米材料进行了分析模拟。流动具有导电性和热辐射性。传输表达式包括布朗扩散、热源、热泳和化学反应等多种物理效应。介绍了非牛顿(粘塑性)模型的达西-福希海默 (D-F) 孔隙率方面。边界层不可压缩拉伸流是根据普朗特的概念进行建模的。利用相关无量纲变量从部分微分表达式中获得常微分表达式,并采用同伦算法对此类表达式进行计算分析。变换微分系统中出现的无量纲表达式的结果通过图形进行评估。我们注意到增加辐射因子会导致更高的温度。此外,当布朗扩散和溶液比奥因子增大时,纳米粒子浓度降低。