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Dynamic modeling of a direct reduced iron shaft furnace to enable pathways towards decarbonized steel production
Chemical Engineering Science ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2024.120637
Jake Immonen , Kody M. Powell

Steel production can be decarbonized by utilizing direct reduced iron (DRI) shaft furnaces that use green hydrogen or a mixture of green hydrogen and natural-gas-derived syngas. To further the implementation of these steel decarbonization methods, the development of a physics-based dynamic model of a DRI shaft furnace is presented and its applications are shown through transient case studies. The model is validated with industrial data and has mean average errors of 0.3 wt% for outlet solids composition and 1.2 mol% for outlet gas composition. Transient results are presented for a furnace shifting from syngas to a mix of syngas and green hydrogen as well as a furnace using only hydrogen that varies hydrogen flow and the inlet reducing gas temperature. The model can simulate 4-hour transient tests in under 3 min on a modest computer, highlighting its future use for control algorithm development, plant-scale simulations, and online, real-time, model predictions.



钢铁生产可以通过使用直接还原铁(DRI)竖炉来脱碳,该竖炉使用绿色氢气或绿色氢气与天然气合成气的混合物。为了进一步实施这些钢脱碳方法,提出了基于物理的 DRI 竖炉动态模型的开发,并通过瞬态案例研究展示了其应用。该模型经过工业数据验证,出口固体成分的平均误差为 0.3 wt%,出口气体成分的平均误差为 1.2 mol%。给出了从合成气转变为合成气和绿色氢气的混合物的熔炉以及仅使用氢气改变氢气流量和入口还原气体温度的熔炉的瞬态结果。该模型可以在普通计算机上在 3 分钟内模拟 4 小时的瞬态测试,突出了其未来用于控制算法开发、工厂规模模拟以及在线实时模型预测的用途。