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Exploring redundant trees in bipartite graphs
Applied Mathematics and Computation ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2024.129006
Qing Yang , Yingzhi Tian

Luo et al. conjectured that for a tree T with bipartition X and Y, if a k-connected bipartite graph G with minimum degree at least k+max{|X|,|Y|}, then G has a subtree TG isomorphic to T such that GV(TG) is k-connected. Although this conjecture has been validated for spiders and caterpillars in cases where k3, and also for paths with odd order, its general applicability has remained an open question. In this paper, we establish the validity of this conjecture for k3 with the girth under of G at least the diameter of G minus one.



Luo 等人推测,对于具有二分 X 和 Y 的树 T,如果一个 k 连通的二分图 G 的最小度至少为 k+max{|X|,|Y|},则 G 具有与 T 同构的子树 TG,因此 G−V(TG) 是 k 连通的。尽管这个猜想已经在 k≤3 的情况下对蜘蛛和毛毛虫以及奇数顺序的路径进行了验证,但其普遍适用性仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。在本文中,我们确定了 k≤3 的猜想的有效性,其中 G 的周长至少为 G 的直径减 1。