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A reinforcement learning approach with masked agents for chemical process flowsheet design
AIChE Journal ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-30 , DOI: 10.1002/aic.18584
Simone Reynoso‐Donzelli 1 , Luis Alberto Ricardez‐Sandoval 1

This study introduces two novel Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents for the design and optimization of chemical process flowsheets (CPFs): a discrete masked Proximal Policy Optimization (mPPO) and a hybrid masked Proximal Policy Optimization (mHPPO). The novelty of this work lies in the use of masking within the hybrid framework, i.e., the incorporation of expert input or design rules that allows the exclusion of actions from the agent's decision spectrum. This work distinguishes from others by seamlessly integrating masked agents with rigorous unit operations (UOs) models, that is, advanced thermodynamic and conservation balance equations, in its simulation environment to design and optimize CPF. The efficacy of these agents, along with performance comparisons, is evaluated through case studies, including one that employs a chemical engineering simulator such as ASPEN Plus®. The results of these case studies reveal learning on the part of the agents, that is, the agent is able to find viable flowsheet designs that meet the stipulated process flowsheet design requirements, for example, achieve a user-defined product quality.



本研究介绍了两种用于设计和优化化学工艺流程 (CPF) 的新型强化学习 (RL) 代理:离散掩蔽近端策略优化 (mPPO) 和混合掩蔽近端策略优化 (mHPPO)。这项工作的新颖之处在于在混合框架中使用掩码,即结合专家输入或设计规则,允许将操作排除在代理的决策范围之外。这项工作与其他工作的不同之处在于,在其仿真环境中将掩蔽代理与严格的单元操作 (UO) 模型(即高级热力学和守恒平衡方程)无缝集成,以设计和优化 CPF。这些药剂的功效以及性能比较通过案例研究进行评估,包括使用 ASPEN Plus® 等化学工程模拟器的案例研究。这些案例研究的结果揭示了代理的学习,即代理能够找到满足规定的工艺流程设计要求的可行流程设计,例如,实现用户定义的产品质量。