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Constructing Targeted Strong Nb4d−O2p−Li2s Configurations to Obtain Excellent Energy Density and Long Life for Li-Rich Cathodes
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-29 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202413563
Kanghui Hu 1, 2 , Huoqiang Tang 2 , Baoping Zheng 2 , Lei Yu 2 , Feng Xiong 2 , Haoyu Li 1 , Lang Qiu 1 , Fang Wan 1 , Yang Song 1 , Benhe Zhong 1 , Zhenguo Wu 1 , Xiaodong Guo 1, 3

A novel micro-nano cathode material is constructed by using niobium pentoxide as an inducer, in which the strong Nb4d−O2p−Li2s bonds are formed in the C2/m and the refined primary particles are stacked radially. As a result, the modified cathode material exhibits excellent electrochemical properties.


构建靶向强 Nb4D-O2P-Li2S 构型,以获得优异的能量密度和富锂阴极的长寿命

以五氧化二铌为诱导剂构建了一种新型微纳正极材料,其中在 C2/m 中形成强 Nb4d-O 2p-Li 2s 键,细化的初级颗粒呈放射状堆叠。因此,改性后的正极材料表现出优异的电化学性能。