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Transthalamic Pathways for Cortical Function
Journal of Neuroscience ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-28 , DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.0909-24.2024
S Murray Sherman 1 , W Martin Usrey 2

The cerebral cortex contains multiple, distinct areas that individually perform specific computations. A particular strength of the cortex is the communication of signals between cortical areas that allows the outputs of these compartmentalized computations to influence and build on each other, thereby dramatically increasing the processing power of the cortex and its role in sensation, action, and cognition. Determining how the cortex communicates signals between individual areas is, therefore, critical for understanding cortical function. Historically, corticocortical communication was thought to occur exclusively by direct anatomical connections between areas that often sequentially linked cortical areas in a hierarchical fashion. More recently, anatomical, physiological, and behavioral evidence is accumulating indicating a role for the higher-order thalamus in corticocortical communication. Specifically, the transthalamic pathway involves projections from one area of the cortex to neurons in the higher-order thalamus that, in turn, project to another area of the cortex. Here, we consider the evidence for and implications of having two routes for corticocortical communication with an emphasis on unique processing available in the transthalamic pathway and the consequences of disorders and diseases that affect transthalamic communication.



