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Maternal allergy‐preventive diet index, offspring infant diet diversity, and childhood allergic diseases
Allergy ( IF 12.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-28 , DOI: 10.1111/all.16292
Carina Venter 1, 2 , Kaci Pickett-Nairne 3 , Donald Leung 4 , David Fleischer 1, 2 , Liam O'Mahony 5 , Deborah H Glueck 3 , Dana Dabelea 3, 6, 7

BackgroundStudies of childhood diet diversity and allergic disease have not examined additional associations with an offspring allergy‐linked maternal diet index during pregnancy. We studied both associations in a pre‐birth cohort.MethodsOffspring allergic disease diagnoses were obtained from electronic medical records. Maternal and infant diet were self‐reported. Adjusted parametric Weibull time‐to‐event models assessed associations between maternal diet index, infant diet diversity and time to development of allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, asthma, wheeze, IgE‐mediated food allergy, and a combined outcome of any allergic disease except for wheeze.ResultsInfant diet diversity at 1 year was associated with the risk of the combined outcome between 1 and 4 years of age (p = .002). While both maternal diet index and infant diet diversity at 1 year were associated with the risk of the combined outcome between 1 and 4 years of age (both p < .05), infant diet diversity at 1 year did not modify the association between maternal diet index and the risk of the combined outcome between 1 and 4 years of age (p = .5). The group with the lowest risk of the combined allergy outcome had higher maternal diet index and higher infant diet diversity.ConclusionsThe novel finding that both maternal diet index during pregnancy and infant diet diversity at 12 months are associated with the risk of a combined allergic disease outcome points to two targets for preventive interventions: maternal diet index scores during pregnancy and offspring diet diversity during infancy.



背景对儿童饮食多样性和过敏性疾病的研究尚未检查与后代过敏相关的怀孕期间母亲饮食指数的其他关联。我们在出生前队列中研究了这两种关联。方法从电子病历中获得后代过敏性疾病诊断。母亲和婴儿的饮食由自我报告。调整后的参数威布尔事件时间模型评估了母亲饮食指数、婴儿饮食多样性与过敏性鼻炎、特应性皮炎、哮喘、喘息、IgE介导的食物过敏以及除以下过敏性疾病之外的任何过敏性疾病的综合结果之间的关联。结果 1 岁时婴儿饮食多样性与 1 至 4 岁时综合结果的风险相关 (p = .002)。虽然 1 岁时母亲饮食指数和婴儿饮食多样性均与 1 至 4 岁时综合结果的风险相关(均 p < .05),但 1 岁时婴儿饮食多样性并未改变母亲饮食指数与婴儿饮食多样性之间的关联。饮食指数和 1 至 4 岁之间综合结果的风险 (p = .5)。综合过敏结果风险最低的群体具有较高的母亲饮食指数和较高的婴儿饮食多样性。结论新发现表明,怀孕期间的母亲饮食指数和 12 个月时的婴儿饮食多样性均与联合过敏性疾病结果的风险相关。指出了预防干预的两个目标:怀孕期间的母亲饮食指数评分和婴儿期的后代饮食多样性。