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Measuring Elementary Student Reading Gain in the Context of School-Implemented Multitiered Systems of Support
Remedial and Special Education ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-27 , DOI: 10.1177/07419325241268563
Stephanie Al Otaiba 1 , Wilhelmina van Dijk 2 , Jennifer Stewart 3 , Ashley A. Edwards 4 , Dayna Russell Freudenthal 5 , Jill Allor 1 , Christopher Schatschneider 4 , Paul Yovanoff 1

There is limited research with mixed results about student reading gains in Grades 1 to 5 within typical school-implemented Response to Intervention (RTI). As part of a larger study, we used school-administered screening data on a widely used computer-adaptive test (Measures of Academic Progress) to describe reading gains across one academic year. We observed relatively faster growth in the first grade than in the later grades. We found stronger growth for students not identified with a disability relative to students with low or high-incidence disabilities or a 504 plan. We explored moderation of gains for students receiving tiered interventions based on administrators’ interviews about RTI implementation. We observed that better ratings of administrators’ articulation about using the evidence-aligned RTI components of progress monitoring, data-based decision-making, and Tier 2 interventions were related to greater gains for students receiving Tier 2 or 3 intervention. We discuss implications, limitations, and directions for future research.



在典型的学校实施的干预响应 (RTI) 中,关于 1 至 5 年级学生阅读增益的研究有限,结果好坏参半。作为一项更大规模研究的一部分,我们使用学校管理的广泛使用的计算机自适应测试(学术进步衡量标准)的筛选数据来描述一个学年的阅读增益。我们观察到一年级的增长速度比高年级相对较快。我们发现,与患有低度或高度残疾或 504 计划的学生相比,未确定为残疾的学生的成长更为强劲。我们根据管理人员关于 RTI 实施的访谈,探讨了接受分层干预的学生的收益调节。我们观察到,如果管理人员对使用进度监控、基于数据的决策和第 2 级干预措施的证据一致的 RTI 组件的表述获得更好的评分,则与接受第 2 级或第 3 级干预的学生获得更大的收益相关。我们讨论未来研究的影响、局限性和方向。