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In Memoriam: The Life and Scientific Accomplishments of Frank A. L. Anet (1926–2024)
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-26 , DOI: 10.1002/poc.4656
Darón I. Freedberg 1 , Nicholas V. Hud 2 , Max Kopelevich 3 , Daniel J. O'Leary 4 , Jane Strouse 3

A memorial tribute detailing the life and scientific accomplishments of Frank A. L. Anet, a pioneer of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy who discovered bedrock principles in organic chemistry and magnetic resonance. He was the first to show that nuclear Overhauser effects could provide structural information, significantly impacting future NMR applications. In the 1960s and 1970s, he built entire multinuclear NMR spectrometers operating as high as 396 MHz for protons, detecting nuclei inaccessible to commercial instruments, and operating at very low temperatures for studying molecular structure and dynamics. A titan of physical organic chemistry, Frank made important contributions in the areas of conformational analysis, stereochemistry, isotope effects, NMR relaxation theory, and chemical origins of life.


纪念弗兰克·阿尔·阿内特 (Frank Anet) 的一生和科学成就(1926-2024)

纪念弗兰克·阿尔·阿内特 (Frank AL Anet) 的一生和科学成就,他是核磁共振 (NMR) 光谱学的先驱,发现了有机化学和磁共振的基本原理。他是第一个证明核奥弗豪塞效应可以提供结构信息,对未来核磁共振应用产生重大影响的人。在 20 世纪 60 年代和 1970 年代,他建造了整个多核核磁共振波谱仪,其质子运行频率高达 396 MHz,可检测商业仪器无法接近的原子核,并在极低的温度下运行以研究分子结构和动力学。作为物理有机化学领域的泰斗,弗兰克在构象分析、立体化学、同位素效应、核磁共振弛豫理论和生命化学起源等领域做出了重要贡献。