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The unique immune evasion mechanisms of the mpox virus and their implication for developing new vaccines and immunotherapies
Virologica Sinica ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.virs.2024.08.008
Dong Fang 1 , Yan Liu 2 , Dou Dou 1 , Bin Su 3

Mpox is an infectious and contagious zoonotic disease caused by the mpox virus (MPXV), which belongs to the genus . Since 2022, MPXV has posed a significant threat to global public health. The emergence of thousands of cases across the Western Hemisphere prompted the World Health Organization to declare an emergency. The extensive coevolutionary history of poxviruses with humans has enabled these viruses to develop sophisticated mechanisms to counter the human immune system. Specifically, MPXV employs unique immune evasion strategies against a wide range of immunological elements, presenting a considerable challenge for treatment, especially following the discontinuation of routine smallpox vaccination among the general population. In this review, we start by discussing the entry of the mpox virus and the onset of early infection, followed by an introduction to the mechanisms by which the mpox virus can evade the innate and adaptive immune responses. Two caspase-1 inhibitory proteins and a PKR escape-related protein have been identified as phylogenomic hubs involved in modulating the immune environment during the MPXV infection. With respect to adaptive immunity, mpox viruses exhibit unique and exceptional T-cell inhibition capabilities, thereby comprehensively remodeling the host immune environment. The viral envelope also poses challenges for the neutralizing effects of antibodies and the complement system. The unique immune evasion mechanisms employed by MPXV make novel multi-epitope and nucleic acid-based vaccines highly promising research directions worth investigating. Finally, we briefly discuss the impact of MPXV infection on immunosuppressed patients and the current status of MPXV vaccine development. This review may provide valuable information for the development of new immunological treatments for mpox.



痘痘是由痘痘病毒(MPXV)引起的一种传染性、接触性人畜共患病,属于痘痘属。自2022年以来,MPXV对全球公共卫生构成了重大威胁。西半球出现数千例病例促使世界卫生组织宣布进入紧急状态。痘病毒与人类广泛的共同进化历史使这些病毒能够发展出复杂的机制来对抗人类免疫系统。具体而言,MPXV 针对多种免疫因素采用独特的免疫逃避策略,对治疗提出了相当大的挑战,特别是在普通人群中停止常规天花疫苗接种之后。在这篇综述中,我们首先讨论MPOX病毒的进入和早期感染的发生,然后介绍MPOX病毒逃避先天性和适应性免疫反应的机制。两种 caspase-1 抑制蛋白和一种 PKR 逃逸相关蛋白已被确定为参与 MPXV 感染期间免疫环境调节的系统发育中心。在适应性免疫方面,mpox病毒表现出独特而卓越的T细胞抑制能力,从而全面重塑宿主免疫环境。病毒包膜还对抗体和补体系统的中和作用提出了挑战。 MPXV 采用的独特的免疫逃避机制使得新型多表位和基于核酸的疫苗成为非常有前途的研究方向,值得研究。最后,我们简要讨论MPXV感染对免疫抑制患者的影响以及MPXV疫苗的研发现状。 该综述可能为开发新的 MPOX 免疫治疗方法提供有价值的信息。