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APF Gold Medal Award for Impact in Psychology: Jennifer Joy Freyd.
American Psychologist ( IF 12.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-01 , DOI: 10.1037/amp0001382

The APF Gold Medal for Impact in Psychology recognizes Jennifer Joy Freyd for her trailblazing research and advocacy, which has reshaped the understanding of trauma, betrayal, and responses to sexual violence. Her theory of betrayal trauma challenged prevailing assumptions, particularly regarding survivors of child sexual abuse. Dr. Freyd's resilience and commitment to justice have inspired countless individuals worldwide and influenced therapeutic approaches, policy reforms, and societal attitudes toward trauma and gender-based violence. Dr. Freyd has also served as a prominent figure in significant social movements that empower victims, such as #MeToo. Through initiatives like the Center for Institutional Courage, she continues to advocate for survivors' rights and promote ethical research practices, aiming for a more equitable society where survivors find validation and healing. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).


APF 心理学影响金奖:Jennifer Joy Freyd。

APF 心理学影响金奖表彰詹妮弗·乔伊·弗雷德的开创性研究和倡导,重塑了人们对创伤、背叛和性暴力反应的理解。她的背叛创伤理论挑战了普遍的假设,特别是关于儿童性虐待幸存者的假设。弗雷德博士的韧性和对正义的承诺激励了全世界无数人,并影响了治疗方法、政策改革以及社会对创伤和性别暴力的态度。弗雷德博士还在#MeToo 等赋予受害者权力的重大社会运动中担任重要人物。通过机构勇气中心等举措,她继续倡导幸存者的权利并促进道德研究实践,旨在建立一个更加公平的社会,让幸存者得到认可和治愈。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。