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Price and Non‐Price Factors in Development of Rice Cultivation: Case Studies From Southern India and Mekong‐Delta Vietnam
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-26 , DOI: 10.1002/app5.399
Deepak Johnson 1 , Takashi Kurosaki 2

The high rice prices of 2023 have highlighted the need for increasing rice productivity. But improving productivity, especially in low‐performing rice‐producing regions, should also improve incomes for the numerous smallholder cultivators. This article examines what we can learn from the experience of high‐performing rice‐growing regions, which have both high rice yields and incomes. We focus on two best‐performing villages from Kerala, southern India and Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Using a detailed case study approach combining farm budget analysis, counterfactual simulations using agricultural household models, and qualitative insights, our analysis shows the contribution of price support, irrigation, and agricultural research in these two regions to the current situation. While price support was the prominent factor in Keralaʼs village, irrigation and extending the cropping intensity was important for farm incomes in the Mekong Delta village. This comparative analysis demonstrates the need for an ongoing evaluation of price and non‐price factors and supplementing farm incomes through specific interventions for developing low‐performing rice‐producing regions.



2023 年大米价格高企凸显了提高大米生产力的必要性。但提高生产力,特别是在表现不佳的稻米产区,也应该会提高众多小农的收入。本文探讨了我们可以从高产水稻种植区的经验中学到什么,这些地区的水稻产量和收入都很高。我们重点关注印度南部喀拉拉邦和越南湄公河三角洲两个表现最好的村庄。我们采用详细的案例研究方法,结合农场预算分析、使用农业家庭模型的反事实模拟和定性见解,分析显示了这两个地区的价格支持、灌溉和农业研究对当前形势的贡献。虽然价格支持是喀拉拉邦村庄的主要因素,但灌溉和扩大耕作强度对于湄公河三角洲村庄的农业收入也很重要。这一比较分析表明,需要对价格和非价格因素进行持续评估,并通过针对发展表现不佳的稻米生产地区的具体干预措施来补充农业收入。