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Diagnosis of Brugada Syndrome With a Sodium-Channel-Blocker Test: Who Should Be Tested? Who Should Not?
Circulation ( IF 35.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-19 , DOI: 10.1161/circulationaha.124.069138
Sami Viskin 1 , Ehud Chorin 1 , Raphael Rosso 1 , Ahmad S Amin 2 , Arthur A Wilde 2

Intravenous infusion of sodium-channel blockers (SCB) with either ajmaline, flecainide, procainamide, or pilsicainide to unmask the ECG of Brugada syndrome is the drug challenge most commonly used for diagnostic purposes when investigating cases possibly related to inherited arrhythmia syndromes. For a patient undergoing an SCB challenge, the impact of a positive result goes well beyond its diagnostic implications. It is, therefore, appropriate to question who should undergo a SCB test to diagnose or exclude Brugada syndrome and, perhaps more importantly, who should not. We present a critical review of the benefits and drawbacks of the SCB challenge when performed in cardiac arrest survivors, patients presenting with syncope, family members of probands with confirmed Brugada syndrome, and asymptomatic patients with suspicious ECG.



在调查可能与遗传性心律失常综合征相关的病例时,静脉输注钠通道阻滞剂 (SCB) 与阿马林、氟卡尼、普鲁卡因胺或匹西卡尼以揭示 Brugada 综合征的心电图是最常用于诊断目的的药物挑战。对于接受 SCB 挑战的患者来说,阳性结果的影响远远超出其诊断意义。因此,有必要质疑谁应该接受 SCB 测试来诊断或排除 Brugada 综合征,或许更重要的是,谁不应该接受 SCB 测试。我们对心脏骤停幸存者、出现晕厥的患者、确诊患有 Brugada 综合征的先证者家庭成员以及心电图可疑的无症状患者进行 SCB 挑战的优点和缺点进行了严格的审查。