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Quality of life assessment and the impact of an early diagnosis and treatment in Lichen planopilaris: a systematic review.
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-17 , DOI: 10.1093/ced/llae339
Awatef Kelati 1 , Mohammad Jafferany 2

Lichen planopilaris (LPP) and its variants, mainly frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA), affect the hair follicles causing cicatricial alopecia with a significant negative impact on self-confidence and quality of life (QoL). This systematic review investigates the psycho-emotional impact of LPP and its variants using PRISMA guidelines. The review revealed that LPP and FFA cause significant psychological distress and impaired QoL. Higher LPP disease activity and severity were associated with higher depression, higher anxiety scores, lower quality-of-life scores, and higher scores of role limitations (physical and emotional). Additionally, facial lesions in FFA patients, especially the eyebrows involvement can be very distressing, leading to impaired self-esteem and QoL. this negative impact of active and severe LPP and FFA on QoL and self-esteem of patients causes psychiatric conditions including anxiety and depression. Therefore, an early diagnosis must be encouraged in these patients.



扁平苔藓 (LPP) 及其变种,主要是额叶纤维化性脱发 (FFA),会影响毛囊,导致疤痕性脱发,对自信心和生活质量 (QoL) 产生显着的负面影响。本系统综述使用 PRISMA 指南调查了 LPP 及其变体的心理情感影响。审查显示 LPP 和 FFA 会导致严重的心理困扰和生活质量受损。较高的 LPP 疾病活动度和严重程度与较高的抑郁、较高的焦虑评分、较低的生活质量评分和较高的角色限制(身体和情感)评分相关。此外,FFA 患者的面部病变,尤其是眉毛受累可能会非常令人痛苦,导致自尊和生活质量受损。活跃且严重的 LPP 和 FFA 对患者的生活质量和自尊产生负面影响,导致包括焦虑和抑郁在内的精神疾病。因此,必须鼓励这些患者进行早期诊断。