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Simple and effective mechanical cloaking
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmps.2024.105824
Suzanne M. Fielding

We show theoretically that essentially perfect elastostatic mechanical cloaking of a circular inclusion in a homogeneous surrounding medium can be achieved by means of a simple cloak comprising three concentric annuli, each formed of a homogeneous isotropic linear elastic material of prescribed shear modulus. Importantly, we find that the same combination of annuli will cloak any possible mode of imposed deformation or loading, for any randomly chosen admixture of imposed compression, pure shear and simple shear, without the need to re-design the cloak for different deformation modes. A full range of circular inclusions can be cloaked in this way, from soft to stiff. In consequence, we suggest that an inclusion of any arbitrary shape can also be cloaked, by first enveloping it in a stiff circle, then cloaking the combined structure with three annuli as described. Given that a single inclusion can be fully cloaked in this way, even at near field close to the cloaking perimeter, it also follows that multiple such neutral inclusions arranged with arbitrarily high packing fraction in a surrounding medium can also be cloaked. We confirm this by direct simulation. This indicates a possible route to fabricating composite materials with the same global mechanical response as a counterpart homogeneous material, and with uniform strain and stress fields outwith the cloaked inclusions.


