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Quantum resource estimation for large scale quantum algorithms
Future Generation Computer Systems ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2024.107480
Vlad Gheorghiu , Michele Mosca

Quantum algorithms are often represented in terms of quantum circuits operating on ideal (logical) qubits. However, the practical implementation of these algorithms poses significant challenges. Many quantum algorithms require a substantial number of logical qubits, and the inherent susceptibility to errors of quantum computers require quantum error correction. The integration of error correction introduces overhead in terms of both space (physical qubits required) and runtime (how long the algorithm needs to be run for). This paper addresses the complexity of comparing classical and quantum algorithms, primarily stemming from the additional quantum error correction overhead. We propose a comprehensive framework that facilitates a direct and meaningful comparison between classical and quantum algorithms. By acknowledging and addressing the challenges introduced by quantum error correction, our framework aims to provide a clearer understanding of the comparative performance of classical and quantum computing approaches. This work contributes to understanding the practical viability and potential advantages of quantum algorithms in real-world applications.


