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The Inpatient Management of Adolescents with Eating Disorders.
Pediatric Annals ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-01 , DOI: 10.3928/19382359-20240605-03
Jennifer Shook , Jodi Brady-Olympia

Eating disorders affect individuals of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities, races, and socioeconomic statuses. They can lead to serious medical complications that require inpatient treatment. The eating disorders that are most likely to lead to medical complications requiring medical inpatient stabilization include anorexia nervosa, atypical anorexia nervosa, avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder, bulimia nervosa, and purging disorder. There are criteria that can help determine if a patient requires inpatient stabilization. Nearly all body systems may be affected. Patients are often treated by following a refeeding protocol that reduces the risk of developing refeeding syndrome, a dangerous and life-threatening state of metabolic derangements that can arise when a malnourished individual begins a renourishment process. Following stabilization, patients should receive further care through a number of different treatment options directed at their underlying eating disorder and by working with a multidisciplinary team. [Pediatr Ann. 2024;53(8):e283-e287.].



饮食失调影响所有年龄、性别、性取向、民族、种族和社会经济地位的人。它们可能导致需要住院治疗的严重医疗并发症。最有可能导致需要住院患者稳定的医疗并发症的进食障碍包括神经性厌食症、非典型神经性厌食症、回避性限制性食物摄入障碍、神经性贪食症和清除障碍。有一些标准可以帮助确定患者是否需要住院稳定病情。几乎所有的身体系统都可能受到影响。患者通常通过遵循再喂养方案进行治疗,以降低患再喂养综合征的风险,再喂养综合征是一种危险且危及生命的代谢紊乱状态,当营养不良的个体开始再营养过程时可能会出现。稳定后,患者应通过针对其潜在饮食失调的多种不同治疗方案以及与多学科团队合作来接受进一步的护理。[儿科年鉴 2024;53(8):e283-e287.]。