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Programmed intermittent bolus versus continuous infusion for catheter-based erector spinae plane block on quality of recovery in thoracoscopic surgery: a single-centre randomised controlled trial
British Journal of Anaesthesia ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2024.05.041
Aisling Ni Eochagain 1 , Aneurin Moorthy 2 , John Shaker 3 , Ahmed Abdelaatti 3 , Liam O'Driscoll 4 , Robert Lynch 5 , Aine Hassett 5 , Donal J Buggy 6

Regional anaesthesia techniques, including the erector spinae fascial plane (ESP) block, reduce postoperative pain after video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). Fascial plane blocks rely on spread of local anaesthetic between muscle layers, and thus, intermittent boluses might increase their clinical effectiveness. We tested the hypothesis that postoperative ESP analgesia with a programmed intermittent bolus (PIB) regimen is better than a continuous infusion (CI) regimen in terms of quality of recovery after VATS.



区域麻醉技术,包括竖脊肌筋膜平面 (ESP) 阻滞,可减轻电视胸腔镜手术 (VATS) 后的术后疼痛。筋膜平面阻滞依赖于局部麻醉剂在肌肉层之间的扩散,因此,间歇性推注可能会提高其临床效果。我们测试了这样的假设:就 VATS 后的恢复质量而言,程序性间歇推注 (PIB) 方案术后 ESP 镇痛优于连续输注 (CI) 方案。