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Standing against racial capitalism: Reconsidering psychology's role in dismantling systemic racism.
American Psychologist ( IF 12.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-01 , DOI: 10.1037/amp0001333
Daniel José Gaztambide 1 , Patience Ojionuka 2 , Sarah Simon 3 , Jasmine Rename 2 , Gabriella Diaz 3 , Josh Stell 3

The American Psychological Association's resolutions on dismantling systemic racism represent a watershed moment in our discipline, yet confusion remains as to what it means to "dismantle" racism given psychology's emphasis on changing individual beliefs. This submission will review the tension between "idealist" interpretations of critical race theory emphasizing individual beliefs and "realist" perspectives contextualizing racism within political economic arrangements. Psychology's adoption of an "idealist" framework will be shown to privilege a neoliberal project emphasizing individual change and symbolic performances of racial justice instead of structural changes benefitting people of color's material existence. Drawing on a decolonial critique of racial capitalism, we propose an alternative framework to challenge our discipline to broaden its political imagination by supporting evidence-based policies to dismantle racism as a structural and political force. This includes universal policies to reduce racial and economic inequality and population-specific policies such as reparations for African Americans predicted to stimulate economic growth. Urgently, the decolonial lens challenges psychology to theorize racism not as a primarily individual phenomenon but a political force that divides and conquers while enriching white economic elites. To fulfill the promises of the American Psychological Association's resolutions, we must directly challenge the political economic interests that benefit from racism and contribute to the common good as a form of "loving care." (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



美国心理学会关于消除系统性种族主义的决议代表了我们学科的分水岭,但鉴于心理学强调改变个人信仰,“消除”种族主义的含义仍然令人困惑。本文将回顾强调个人信仰的批判种族理论的“理想主义”解释与将种族主义置于政治经济安排中的“现实主义”观点之间的紧张关系。心理学对“理想主义”框架的采用将被证明会优先考虑强调个人变革和种族正义的象征性表现的新自由主义计划,而不是有利于有色人种物质存在的结构性变革。基于对种族资本主义的非殖民主义批判,我们提出了一个替代框架来挑战我们的学科,通过支持基于证据的政策来消除种族主义作为一种结构性和政治力量,从而扩大其政治想象力。这包括减少种族和经济不平等的普遍政策以及针对特定人群的政策,例如预计将刺激经济增长的非裔美国人的赔偿。紧迫的是,非殖民视角挑战心理学,将种族主义理论化不是一种主要的个人现象,而是一种分裂和征服的政治力量,同时使白人经济精英致富。为了履行美国心理学会决议的承诺,我们必须直接挑战从种族主义中受益的政治经济利益,并以“关爱”的形式为共同利益做出贡献。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。