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Dismantling racism through partnership with resettled refugee communities.
American Psychologist ( IF 12.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-01 , DOI: 10.1037/amp0001344
Maryam Kia-Keating 1

The enormous and ever-increasing problem of forced displacement warrants the attention of psychological science to play a role in leading efforts to address the needs of refugee communities. As a nation of immigrants, the United States has a long and complicated history of refugee admissions, including both generous and racist policies and sentiments. Examining the past can increase our capacity to transform the future. Taking conscious action to dismantle racism is of central importance to begin to make reparations and find pathways toward healing. Recognizing the instrumental role of systemic forces, three guideposts to support an antiracist foundation for research and practice in psychology are drawn from existing frameworks and applied to the case of refugees. These include (a) remembrance as an act of historical and sociopolitical analysis, (b) truth-telling to engage in critical self-reflection within the field of psychology, and (c) accompaniment alongside refugee communities to develop partnerships that reinforce their strengths and agency and directly benefit them. These guideposts underscore the importance of upholding community priorities and empowering refugee communities to reclaim their own cultural knowledge and strengths and to create effective and sustainable programs, with the potential for significant public health impact. As such, psychologists can play a critical role in transforming social systems over time and actively working to dismantle racism. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



强迫流离失所这一巨大且日益严重的问题值得心理学科学的关注,以在满足难民社区需求的努力中发挥主导作用。作为一个移民国家,美国在接纳难民方面有着悠久而复杂的历史,其中包括慷慨和种族主义的政策和情绪。审视过去可以增强我们改变未来的能力。采取有意识的行动消除种族主义对于开始进行赔偿并找到治愈途径至关重要。认识到系统性力量的重要作用,从现有框架中提取了三个支持反种族主义心理学研究和实践基础的指南并将其应用于难民案例。其中包括(a)作为历史和社会政治分析行为的纪念,(b)讲真话以在心理学领域进行批判性的自我反思,以及(c)与难民社区一起发展伙伴关系,以增强他们的优势和能力。机构并直接使他们受益。这些指南强调了坚持社区优先事项、赋予难民社区权力以恢复自己的文化知识和优势以及制定有效和可持续的计划的重要性,这些计划可能对公共卫生产生重大影响。因此,心理学家可以在随着时间的推移改变社会制度并积极致力于消除种族主义方面发挥关键作用。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。